- Abrasion
- Actuator 500 kN
- Amino Acid Analyzer
- Anaerobic Chamber
- Analytical Balance
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Automated
- Automatic titrator
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Assembly Roller
- Automated Luminometer
- Automatic Nitrogen Analyzer
- Automatic Nitrogen Generator
- Automatic Slide Stainer
- Automatic Specimen Cleaning Unit
- Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Accelerated Weathering Tester
- Autoclave
- Calotest
- Centrifuge
- Cell Sorter
- Clamshell Lamination Module
- Colorimeter
- Color Quest
- Corrosion Scan
- Combined Cyclic Corrosion Test Instrument
- Contact Angle
- Chemisorption Analyzer
- CHNS Analyzer
- Circular Dihroism
- Capillary Electrophoresis
- Cryogenic Grinder
- Coulometric Karl Fischer Titrators Set
- Cutting Machine
- Crush Tester
- Cryo console
- Cryostat
- Computer Numerical Control
- Critical Point Dryer
- Creep Tester
- Compression Testing Machine
- Cooling Bath
- Cooling Incubator
- Cutometer
- Dilatometer
- Dietary Fiber Extraction
- Direct Analysis in real time Mass Spectrometer
- Disper Grader
- Disper GraderDigestion Unit Kjeldahl
- Dispensing platform
- De Mattia
- Desiccator
- Dynamic Mechaincal Analysis
- DNA Sequencer
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter
- Differential Thermal Analyzer
- Digital thickness gauge
- Distillation Unit with Titrator
- Drying Oven
- Drop tester
- Drum Dryer
- Embbeding
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
- Energy dispersive Spectrometry
- Environmental scanning electron microscope
- Elemental Analysis
- Electrical Resistivity
- Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
- Electron Probe Micro Analyzer
- Electrophoresis
- Electrodynamic Vibration System
- Electrospray Ionization-Ion Trap Mass Spectronomy
- ELISpot
- Ellipsometer
- Environment Scanning Electron Microscope
- Fermenter
- Fiber Analyzer
- Fire Tester
- FACS Aria II Cell Sorter
- Friction tester
- Freezer
- Freeze Dryer
- Foam Compression Tester
- Flash Chromatography
- Flow Cytometer
- Foam Constant Load Pounding Machine
- Fat Extraction System
- Field Emission Scanning Eletron Microscope
- Focus Ion Beam Scanning Electron microscope
- Flow Injection Mercury System
- Fusion Machine
- Fat Analyzer
- Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography
- Fluorometer
- Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
- Fluorescent Stereo Microscope
- Flammability Tester
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy
- Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
- Fume Cabinet
- Furnaces
- Ice Maker
- Instron
- Incubator
- INSTRON 25 k
- Ion Chromatography
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy
- Internal Mixer
- Ion Chef System
- Ion Chromatography
- Ion Implanter
- Ion Milling
- Infrared Thermal Imager Camera
- Imaging Analyzer
- Imaging Mass Microscope
- Impedance Analyzer
- Impedance Spectroscopy
- Impact Tester
- Indiko Plus
- Inductive Remelting Unit
- Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
- Manifold
- Master Sizer
- Mass ARRAY
- Mexameter
- Megaohm
- Mooney
- Meltflow
- Microfluidizer
- Microscope
- Microtome
- Microwave
- Micro Mechanical Tester
- Micro Scratch Tester
- Mercury Analyzer
- Moisture Analyzer
- Micro CT
- Machine testing system
- Moving Die Rheometer
- Molecular Imager
- Microplate Reader
- Melting Machine
- Mixer Mill
- MTS Bionix
- Multiwave digestion
- Multi Probe System
- Mounting Machine
- Pathanatomy Equipment
- Plastimeter
- Polymerase Chain Reactor
- Precision Balance
- Primos
- Protein Distill
- Portable Data-Acquisition and Analysis
- Protein Extraction System
- Potentiostat and Galvanostat
- Preparative HPLC
- Pressure Hydraulic Machine
- pH Meter
- Phosphor-Imager
- Photoelectron Spectrometer
- Photo luminescense Spectrometer
- PET/SPECT/CT Scanner
- Polishing Machine
- Protein and Nitrogen Analyzer
- Particle Size Analyser
- Pore Size Analyzer
- Pneumatic Sample Cutter
- Potentiometric Titration
- Pounding Testing Machine
- Pressure Test by High Pressure Pump
- Puncture tester
- Refractometers
- Reagent Distillation System
- Rotary Evaporator
- Raw Fiber Extractors
- Rheometer
- Ross Flexing Tester
- Rubber Glove Permeation Breakthrough Analysis
- Raman Microscope Spectroscopy
- Robot-Based High-Throughput Screening Platform
- Robotic and Multi Purpose Sample
- Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography
- Rapid Protein Analyzer
- Rubber Process Analyzer
- Rub proofness tester
- Resilience Tester
- Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Rapid Visco Analyzer
- Safety Valve Test
- Sanger Sequencing
- Sample Concentrator
- Shatterbox
- Shell Freezer
- Shrinkage Tester
- Signature Cassette Printer Automated System
- Spectrofluorometer
- Spectrometer
- Spectrophotometer
- Speed Vac Concentrator
- Sperm Analyzer
- SPF Analyser
- Sulphur Analyzer
- Supercritical Fluid
- Surface Area Analyzer
- Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Surface Roughness Tester
- Small Angle X-ray Scattering
- Sputter Coater
- Spray Dryer
- Sample Cutting Machine
- Slide Compound Miter Saw
- Skin Evaluation Instrument
- Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer
- Solvent Extraction
- Sonicator
- Soxhlet Extractor
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Surface Finish Measuring Instrument
- Struers Instrument
- Stacking Tester
- Spectro Test
- Sample Preparation for TEM
- Scanning Probe Microscope
- Stero Fluorescence Microscope
- Static Optical Contact Angle Meter
- Steady State Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Lifetime Spectrometer
- Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer
- Tear Tester
- Tensiometer
- Tewameter
- Texture Analyzer
- Thermal Cycler
- Thermal Constant Analyzer
- Three D Printer
- Thermal Desorption Systems
- Tissue Processor
- Transmission Electron Microscope
- Turbidity Meter
- Thermogravimetric Analysis
- Thermal Image
- Thin-Layer Chromatography
- Two Roll Mill
- Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
- Temperature Scanning Stress Relexation
- Tensile Testing
- TR Tester
- Troque Tester
- Twin Screw Extruder
- Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph
- Ultrafiltration Module
- Ultramicrotome
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasonic Disc Cutter
- Ultrasonic Bath
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
- Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Meter
- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
- Universal Testing Machine
- UV Visible Absorbtion
- UV Visible Near Infrared Spectrometer